Wednesday, April 19, 2006

To Do

Hey, y'all. I'm wearing my bossy activist hat again today. Here is your to do list:

1. Check out this video. (You'll laugh.)
2. Then check out the invisible children website.
3. Get your hands on the invisible children dvd and watch it if you haven't already. (You'll cry.)
4. Join with others in your community to give voice to otherwise voiceless children by attending a Global Night Commute in your area on April 29.


Kerri Watts Alexander said...

Sadly, I have heard you mention Invisible Children, but have never asked what it was about. I’d like to say I was too busy to ask, but that would be untrue. Teaching public speaking at a TJC, I just didn’t want to listen to yet another person try to persuade me to join their cause. However, I finally took the time to look at their website and do some more research online. I am truly very moved by the campaign and its purpose.

I appreciate your commitment to IC. By your persistence, lots of people will become aware of this problem and the solution in play. I have a student doing a speech on IC next Monday night; I can’t wait to see what he has to add. Thanks, you opened my eyes.

none said...

Chris, thanks for posting this. I, too, have noticed you mention Invisible Children but never clicked on the link. But I did just now, and I see now what an important issue they're working on. In regions of war and poverty, children often suffer the most. And the future is bleak for child soldiers especially. In college, I worked on a campaign to help child soldiers in Sierra Leone, and it's really devastating for these kids: they've been traumatized, often forced to kill their own families, possibly raped and abused, and when they are released, they are orphans and/or shunned from their communities. I like the fact that IC focuses on empowering these kids through education. That's the fundamental way to create positive change in the future; give children tools to help themselves, and give them options.

none said...

wow, and I just looked at the page about the IC team, and they're all 18-28 year-olds. That's really inspiring. :)

Anonymous said...

First of all, your video didn't make me laugh, it made me cry. Second, thank you for having the courage to stand for what you believe in even if it means standing alone. You rock and together I hope that we can ALL save the world. It is about damn time!