Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm Gonna Be An Uncle...Again

Well, Jonathan and Kristin (my brother and sister-in-law, for those non-related readers) found out this past weekend that they are gonna have a kid. It will most likely be named after me. Lots of people name their kids after me. So that is cool. I say "Again" in the title because I'm actually already an uncle thanks to my sister's step-son (hey, Drew) and that counts, so if anyone says it doesn't I'll block you from my blog. But this is the first time I'll get to be an uncle during the pregnancy and birth of the little niece or nephew (I'm betting on nephew), so that's exciting.

Jonathan and Kristin's other new addition is the new blog that they coincidentally started up right before they found out they were pregnant. I'm sure there will be all kinds of boring pregnancy stories over the next nine months followed by all kinds of awesome pictures of the baby (including some of the baby being held by me) which will make it worth hanging on for the next nine months to get to the good stuff. Anyway, you can check it out by going here. You can also click the link over in the links section to the right. So far Bethany hasn't started her own blog, but when she does, I'll let you know.


none said...

Congrats! I love being an aunt. I have an 8 year old niece and a 1 year old niece, and it's just so much fun to watch them grow up and do my part to warp their little minds. haha. They're probably the only kids of their generation who can hum/sing a New Kids on the Block song, and I've already convinced my older niece that it's cool to be a feminist and a science geek. muahaha.

Seriously though, this is great news. :)

none said...

Hey, I saw that Joi wished you a happy birthday. Is it your birthday this week?!

Anonymous said...

his birthday was yesterday! the big 28! oh yeah, i can't wait to be an aunt and spoil the heck out of that kid! i'm betting on a girl by the way!

Christopher said...

Yeah, thesciencegirl, my birthday was April 11 (which I guess my sister already told you). I'm 28. Yipee.

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see pix of chris holding chris. i hope that's the caption for every one of them.

none said...

Well, then...Happy Belated Birthday.

I hope someone sang you the Stevie Wonder Birthday song because it's way cooler than the regular one.

ch said...

Hey congrats on both the birthday and being an uncle agian

Christopher said...

Thank you, everyone, for all the congratulationses and happy birthdays.