Sunday, April 16, 2006

California Dreamin'

So on to the next destination in my journey to discovering my journey: California. I've decided recently that I need to live in California for a little while before I die. Why California? I'm not sure. I don't think it is because of that song by Baz Luhrmann that was popular back in 1999, although I'm sure it carries some influence. And while the mild temperatures are a big time plus, I don't think that's enough to really draw me, either. No, I think the real reason is because there was a time in my life when I said, "I will never move to California. One day California is going to break off and fall into the ocean!" And whenever I say "never" you can pretty much bet that I'm gonna end up doing exactly what I was nevering about.

So I can hear you asking, "Yeah, but what is there for you to do in California? Do you know people there? Do you have a job?" If you can hear yourself asking those questions, then you are not like me. You need a plan. You need security. You need to make well-thought-out, smart, safe decisions. I don't need that. I need to get there. I need to see what all my options are and try several of them out. I need to learn new things about myself. I need to get stuck doing a job I would have never dreamed of, and then know whether I love it or hate it. I need change and challenge. But since you asked...

Possible options for me in California are: working at Boys Hope, going to grad school, working at a surf shop. I know nothing about surfing, so for now we'll set that one aside. One of the graduate schools that I've been considering is in Oakland. It's called Mills College, which is actually a women's university. Hey, Tom Hanks got his start at a women's university, why can't I? Actually, they allow men into their graduate programs so I won't have to get a wig or special order any size 12 heels. The program is to learn to be a Child Life Specialist, which I think will be a great job for me, but I'm not quite sure yet and so I'm not really ready to commit the time or money. However, that is on the back burner.

My other likely option is to work for Boys Hope, a non-profit that I previously worked for while I was living in NY. They have homes in San Francisco and Orange County, and while I came dangerously close to burning bridges with BH when I left, I think there is still a tightrope I could walk should I decide to go that route. I DID love the program and mission of BH. And the boys I worked with while I was there are AMAZING and to this day I value the relationships I was able to build with them, most of whom are now in college. So I could do that again.

And since you asked, I do know a few people in Cali. Some of whom I actually met while working at BH (hey, Sarah and Kelli), one I met while working at Camp AmeriKids (hey, Jenny) and a guy that I graduated high school with and whom I cyber-stalk because he is a budding filmmaker and actor and I think that is awesome (hey, Bill. Just kidding about the cyber-stalking...sort of). Anyway, three people (and two of them native Texans) spread out all over the state of California seems like a support system to me. And besides if I get into any trouble, Arnold will save me.

So, the way I see it with a very minimal amount of work and planning, California is quite a feasible option for me. And who knows I may love it... or I may hate it, but then I'll know. But either way, Baz, I'll be sure to wear my sunscreen.

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