Sunday, May 27, 2007

Last Week of School

This is the last week of a very interesting year as a seventh grade math teacher. You may be asking why I haven't ever written anything about it if it was so interesting. It just didn't seem appropriate. You know with the FERPA laws and everything. You'll just have to trust me that it was interesting and look for my book to be published soon: Why Some Children Should Be Left Behind: Memoirs of a Teacher.

Anyway, now I'm back to that place where I always seem to find myself. Trying to figure out which opportunity I should pursue next. Oddly enough I think standing at a crossroads between 7 different opportunities has become my comfort zone. After I get back from Africa in August, I will have to decide between moving to Austin and moving to New York. I'm sure I'll come up with about 9 other options by August, too. I hate to make any decision too simple.

Ok. Well I need to go to sleep. I have a feeling this is going to be a long week.


AmyG said...

Hi Chrifofer! We are moving to Austin so naturally that will soon be the coolest town in America and all the cool people will want to live there. So ask I a cool person? If so then the decision is're moving to Austin!

Anonymous said...

I vote Austin - it's only a stone's throw from Houston. I'm excited to hear you're going to Africa! So exciting! Let me know if you see Brad and Angie! I"m sure you'll be best friends with them in no time!
I'm getting involved in a youth aids movement; it always makes me think of you! I hope all is well! I miss you! And even though you don't think of it as an option, there's a couch in Houston that ALWAYS has your name on it!

Anonymous said...

From your Aunt Cheryl....
I must tell you that I want to be a contributor to your book. You must write it! The title would sell a million copies alone. Aunt Karen says, "You are singing my song!" Can't wait to see you all back and hear every detail of the trip.