Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Verdict

Where were all the fat people? I was counting on everyone gaining weight or something. With few exceptions, all the girls looked exactly the same. I didn't recognize any of the guys. It was kind of odd really.

I did learn that my pre-reunion emotional storm was quite common, especially among my group of friends. I also learned that it was shared by "those people" except I think for different reasons. I think they had weird emotions due to things they had done in school. We had weird emotions due to things that were done to us. Does that make sense? Anyway, most of the people I was looking forward to seeing were there, so that was good. Most of the people that I was dreading seeing were there too, but they seemed not to see me or know who I was (what else is new) so that actually worked out ok.

All-in-all, there were no disasters and I have no regrets about going, so thats good. Tomorrow there is a golf tournament (which I will be skipping) and then a picnic (which I will probably attend) and then the "big event" dinner and dance which I also plan to attend. I'll let you know how all that goes.

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