Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Picnic

Event #3 of the Palestine High School class of 1996 reunion (I skipped event #2, remember) was a family picnic at Reagan Park. I enjoyed this event, because people brought their little (and not so little) kids with them...and if you know me even a little bit you know that I get along better with kids than with people my own age.

I tried to get there late (again) and ended up being one of the first ones there (again). I ate lunch before I got there, though, because eating outside attracts bees, wasps and stinging insects...and if you know me even a little bit then you know I DON'T get along with bees, wasps and other stinging insects.

Anyway, I felt calmer on the inside this time. All the feelings were still there, but they weren't right on the surface. Tonight is the big dinner and dance function. Sounds like fun. I'll let you know.

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