Monday, July 25, 2005

My New 'Blog...

Hey! My good friend Alex wanted me to start this 'blog. I'm not sure why. My life is pretty boring. I can't imagine anyone actually reading it. But you are obviously here, so...

The first thing I want to write about is that I just beat Alex at Mario Party 5. He thought he could beat me no problem, but he was wrong. He cried a little bit, but all in all he was a good sport about it, I guess. Anyway, I had fun playing (since I won) and really that's what's important, right?

Other than that, here's what's going on with me: I'm leaving on Wednesday for New York to sing in a wedding and spend a week working with some amazing little guys at Camp AmeriKids. I used to live in New York, and I've been working at AmeriKids for about seven summers now, so it'll be good to see some old friends while I'm up there. When I get back, it'll be one week until my sister's wedding and then I start a new job. So I've got a lot going on in the next few weeks. I'll try to keep you updated, because if you're still reading this far down, you obviously are keenly interested in the mundane details that make up my life... maybe you should find a hobby.



Anonymous said...

maybe you should tell the truth about who won that game. - alex

Anonymous said...

Also, maybe you shouldn't insult us when we read your blog. Maybe our hobby IS reading about your life. If you're not careful, then you'll lose all your stalkers, and then you'll be sorry. -Gabby

Christopher said...

My deepest apologies to the stalkers.

Anonymous said...

oh this is a lovely blog i'm so happy that i got mentioned! i am derfinately famous now!

Anonymous said...

And I didn't get mentioned, what's up with that!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yo jon, i wouldn't worry too much about it. the first born rarely mentiones the middle child. - alex

Anonymous said...

Well that is all fine and good, except I am the first born!