Wednesday, December 14, 2005

December's Post

I figure I may as well post so that I at least have one post per month. My life is still pretty dull this month. I taught myself how to knit. So far I've started two scarves. I haven't finished anything, yet. I finally signed up to substitute teach for the Palestine Independent School District. That should be fun. Maybe something exciting will happen there. Although if it does I probably won't blog about it because they say you're not supposed to blog about your work. I sang in the Palestine Community Chorus and Orchestra Christmas Cantata on Sunday night. That was exciting. Thursday night I'll be attending a Christmas Carol Sing-a-long at the Texas Theatre in downtown Palestine. Last year around this time I attended a Messiah Sing-a-long at Lincoln Center in NYC. This is kind of like that. Only not as exciting. Should be fun anyway. Oh, Mom and I put up the tree this week. It is very beautiful. Last year I went to the tree lighting in Rockefeller Center with my friend Joi. That was very beautiful. Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey were there. Don't worry. I'm gonna do something exciting again soon. Really. Check back in January.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Unemployed Again

Well, I went ahead and quit my job. So now I'm unemployed and looking for work...again. I'm tired of being unemployed and looking for work. I'm tired of being poor. I guess the upside is that I'll have a lot more time to post here.

The downside is that my life has become so boring I don't have anything to post. Hmmmm... I think I'm going to Canton First Monday this weekend. That's exciting. Hey, Alex, remember that time we went and got those super cool umbrella hats? Yeah. That was fun. This time I'm going with Mom and Kristin and probably Bethany. I'm gonna have a booth there one day. I don't know what I'm gonna sell, but it is gonna be so cool whatever it is.

Ummmm. Well, I guess that's all I have to say. I'm getting ready to go eat, now. That should be cool. Check back soon. If anything exciting happens, I'll let you know.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Support for a friend...

So, apparently I stink when it comes to being a blogger. One post a month is really probably not enough to keep you updated on my life. But then again, everything going on in my life lately has involved work and it's not a good idea to blog about work, because I saw on the news where people who blogged about work got fired and stuff and I don't want to be fired. But...

I have a friend who is a musician that I met about 7 years ago while we were both working at Camp AmeriKids. Her name is Lucia Nazzaro and she now has a webpage. Do me a favor and check it out. She's an awesome person and fun and nice and funny and awesome. She's not a bad musician/singer/songwriter either. So anyway, check it out.

More later...

Monday, September 05, 2005

Left You Hanging

Holy cow! Life happens so fast, I guess. Sorry to leave you all hanging.

So I've been back from camp for a couple of weeks now. What can I say? My sister has gotten married during that time and I've started a new job.

The wedding was beautiful and a lot of fun. It's always good having so many good friends and family all in one place. It doesn't happen enough, right?

The job has been interesting. I'm working at a Residential Treatment Center with "emotionally disturbed" boys. I love this kind of work. I find it very challenging and very rewarding. Heart-breaking, too. But it always helps keep my own life and problems in perspective, and perspective is a beautiful thing.

So anyway, that is the long and the short of it. I hope to volunteer over the next few weeks at one of the Emergency Shelters here that have been set up to help the hurricane refugees. It is so sad seeing all the broken people who have lost everything. Well I'll fill you in on how that goes.

Until next time...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Camp AmeriKids

So as you know I've made it back to Texas after working for 10 days as a camp counselor at Camp AmeriKids in New York State. It was my seventh year being involved with camp and it was also the 10th anniversary of AmeriKids. All of you who currently read this post already know all about camp, but if you'd still like more information, check out their webpage... there is a link on this blog site.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Back In Texas

Hey! So I'm back in Texas. Camp was amazing this year. So much fun. I will write some stories later, but as for today, I've just spent the last 17 hours travelling from Connecticut to Texas, so I'm more than extremely tired. Good night.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sister-In-Law's Birthday

Yesterday was my sister-in-law's birthday. Happy Birthday to her. It was also my friend Darby's birthday. It was also my friend Diana's wedding, and since I went to that, that's what I'm gonna talk about.

The wedding was beautiful. After I sang my song, I was like a rock star. Everyone was telling me how beautiful the song was and asking if I was professional. That felt good.

The reception was at Giando's in Brooklyn, which features breathtaking views of the NYC skyline. There was an excellent live band called Good Clean Fun (check 'em out online), delicious food and a full dance floor. I sat at a table with Moses, Cynthia, Guernzly, Ernzey and a few of Diana's relatives. It was super!!!! Now I am tired.

Tuesday, I leave for a ten day session at Camp AmeriKids. I'll try to update while I'm there, but past experience tells me that it probably won't happen. I'm sure you'll hear more stories than you want to when I get back though!

Alright, then. Be good!

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Wedding Rehearsal

Oh, my gosh! When I read these posts back, I can't help but think how boring they are. I promise I'll write something exciting soon, but in the meantime, as long as I have a few readers, I might as well keep writing. Just bear with me... it'll get better.

Well tonight was the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I get to sing in this cavernous, old, beautiful catholic church, and it is so much fun. Because there isn't a soft surface in the place, it is all echo-y and resonant and it makes me sound like I have this really big, magnificent voice. It is hard to hear the accompaniment, but who cares about the accompaniment.

Anyway, afterwards we had dinner at this nice little Italian place with an Italian name that I don't remember. I had ravioli, calimari, salad, salmon and boiled new potatoes. I like being around Diana's (the bride's) family, because they are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet and they are fun to be around.

Now I'm back in Queens at St. John's University staying with my friend Moses, who right this moment singing very loudly in the other room. I don't know the name of the song. I'm sure you care. Anyway, it's late and I'm tired, so I'll write more tomorrow if I get a chance.

Oh, yeah. Before I forget, I have a brother.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I Made It Here...

In case anyone is worried about me, I made it to NY all in one piece. I even got bumped up to business class, because they oversold the cheap seats. Very cool! Anyway, I didn't do much else today but travel, so I'll write back more soon.

Monday, July 25, 2005

My New 'Blog...

Hey! My good friend Alex wanted me to start this 'blog. I'm not sure why. My life is pretty boring. I can't imagine anyone actually reading it. But you are obviously here, so...

The first thing I want to write about is that I just beat Alex at Mario Party 5. He thought he could beat me no problem, but he was wrong. He cried a little bit, but all in all he was a good sport about it, I guess. Anyway, I had fun playing (since I won) and really that's what's important, right?

Other than that, here's what's going on with me: I'm leaving on Wednesday for New York to sing in a wedding and spend a week working with some amazing little guys at Camp AmeriKids. I used to live in New York, and I've been working at AmeriKids for about seven summers now, so it'll be good to see some old friends while I'm up there. When I get back, it'll be one week until my sister's wedding and then I start a new job. So I've got a lot going on in the next few weeks. I'll try to keep you updated, because if you're still reading this far down, you obviously are keenly interested in the mundane details that make up my life... maybe you should find a hobby.
