Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It's Just How I Talk

I came across this test, which I find very interesting. It's probably not quite accurate, because some things I say different ways depending on my mood or where I am, but I tried to pick the way I usually say it. Anyway, here are my results:

My Linguistic Profile::
70% General American English
20% Dixie
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern


Christopher said...

I think that is what Dixie refers to and I only had 20 percent, so HA!

ch said...


Christopher said...

Well, I think its weird that after three years in NYC I only speak 5% Yankee

Anonymous said...

I got a bigger percentage of Yankee than you did.

Christopher said...

I say "glory be"?

none said...

When I went to Boston for college, all of my friends made fun of me for saying "big ole."

Christopher said...

I love "big ole". I'll never forget all the strange looks from kids up north when I have asked them to put something up, as in "OK, guys, it's time to put the blocks up" or "Go put up your books and come back down for a snack."

QOS said...

I get mocked for "all tore up".

"no, I can't meet y'all in ten minutes - my hair's all tore up and it'll take at least fifteen to fix it."

QOS said...

"Fixin'" is yet another great but underused phrase.

Christopher said...

OMG! Of course! "Fixin' to" is one of the best ever. I'd write more about that one, but I don't really have time. I'm fixin' to get me something to eat.

none said...

Joi, my sisters and I say "hot mess" all the time. We also say that people look "tore up from the floor up." tee hee