Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Green Day

Ah, man! I can't believe it's the middle of March already. Just two days until St. Pat's Day! Sorry I haven't posted lately. I opened up a new account over at myspace and I've been messing around with that. I mostly opened it just so I could look at pictures and profiles of people I went to school with, but I will say this: myspace can be a bit addicting. And a LOT of people have accounts, so chances are you can find a lot of people you know or used to know on there. It's kind of fun, and sometimes... interesting.

Anyway, as far as my life goes, I'm still subbing at Palestine ISD. I just finished a long term thing at the Middle School and now I'm starting back short term subbing. I haven't actually worked this week though, and next week is Spring Break, so I guess I'm on a two-week vacation. Of course, I can't afford to do anything, because it's an unpaid vacation, but hey laying on the couch for two weeks counts as vacation, too, as far as I'm concerned.

I sang the National Anthem again last night. It was the last Soccer home game of the season, thus ending (for the time being) my short-lived and short-distance stadium tour. So I ended up singing at three soccer games, two of which simultaneously had baseball games being played on the next field, which of course I'm counting separately. So that is five stadium appearances in four weeks. Wow! I'd say my career is skyrocketing.

As for the rest of my life, I'm trying to figure out what happens with my future. I do know that I will be moving this summer. I just can't stay in Palestine more than one year at a time. Too slow. But where will I move? Here are my choices, in order of likelyhood: Austin, Dallas, California, Houston, back to NYC, Sub-Saharan Africa. Here are those same choices again in order of preference: Sub-Saharan Africa, back to NYC, California, Austin, Dallas, Houston. I could rank them alphabetically or according to population, but I won't. In fact, that would be a good activity for you to do if you have some spare time.

Speaking of time, it is almost 11am and I haven't had a shower, yet, so I'll let you get back to your own life. Be looking for more pictures in the albums soon, (I'll have some time in the next week and a half to do some scanning and uploading) and perhaps I'll expound on my potential futures at a later date.

Be good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By the way if anyone is interested in booking Christopher you need to contact me...I'm his agent!!!!