Thursday, March 30, 2006

Finish the Sentence

Ok, I had to take a brief hiatus from the computer after lightening zapped our modem a few nights ago. There's nothing like the forced removal of the internet to show you how addicted you really are. Anyway...

I'll continue with my rants and raves about my future, soon, but I thought I'd lighten the mood a little with this cool little survey thingy that I'm totally stealing from my friend Joi's blog. (If you ever start a blog, just know that the best way to improve your blogging skills is to read a bunch of other blogs and steal things that you like.) Anyway, if you are reading this and you have any training in psychology whatsoever, read no further. I don't want you figuring me out based on these sentence completions. (I actually did an excersize exactly like this once during a psychological evaluation I underwent to work at Boys Hope.)

Here goes:

My ex is: non-existant.

Maybe I should: move to Africa.

I love: Camp AmeriKids!

I don't understand: Calculus anymore.

People say I'm: a good dancer.

Love is: patient.

Somewhere, someone is: weaving a basket.

I will always: love you!

Forever seems: like it is almost here.

I never want to: eat sardines.

I think the current President is: under-appreciated.

When I woke up in the morning: I hit the snooze bar...for thirty minutes.

I get annoyed when: people refuse to see their own potential.

Parties are: nerve-wracking.

My dog is: with my ex.

Kisses are the worst when: you don't want them.

Today I: was very productive, despite hitting the snooze bar for thirty minutes.

Tommorow I'm going to: hit the snooze bar for thirty minutes, then teach an eighth-grade English class.

I really want: fulfillment.

I have low tolerance for people who: preach tolerance.

If I had a million dollars: I would buy you a house.


Anonymous said...

hello...just wanted to say hi! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

none said...

My snooze button habit was such an issue for me that I gave it up for Lent. I would hit snooze for an hour or 2 sometimes.

I have much better mornings now. :)