Thursday, February 23, 2006

Special Appearance

I just wanted to let everyone know I have been asked to sing "The National Anthem" at the Palestine vs. Chapel Hill High School soccer game this Friday night. I'll be singing before the varsity game. There are usually about 60 people at the games, including both varsity and junior varsity teams, coaches and parents, so it won't be the biggest crowd I've sung for but definitely the biggest arena. It should be fun. I've secretly always wanted to sing the anthem at a sporting event. This puts me one step closer to a Super Bowl appearance. Hmmmm...I'd better start working on my wardrobe malfunction.

Anyway, if you're reading this and are around Friday night (that includes maybe one of you) then you should come hear me sing. This could be the platform from which my long awaited career is launched. No I'm serious. Maybe there will be an agent among the 60. Hey! It could happen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when i went to school there, soccer didn't get any attention. i am so proud they have the anthem sung. it's profound in many ways about how PHS has grown.