Saturday, February 25, 2006

How It Went

It looks like from the counter that I'm the only one who still reads this page, but that's ok. I'll keep typing away, anyway; there is something therapeutic about it.

Well, I sang the Anthem last night. I'd say it went pretty well. It was fun anyway. The best part is that there was a baseball game on the next field over, so I made sure to sing loud enough so that they could hear me, too. I'm counting it as my first AND second sporting event National Anthem.

For any of you who know my cousin Ashley: she's in the hospital right now trying to have her baby. That's cool, right? I'm gonna have another little baby cousin really, really soon. I'll let you know all the details soon.

Okie, dokie. Be good, y'all. And leave a comment if you're reading these posts, yo.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Special Appearance

I just wanted to let everyone know I have been asked to sing "The National Anthem" at the Palestine vs. Chapel Hill High School soccer game this Friday night. I'll be singing before the varsity game. There are usually about 60 people at the games, including both varsity and junior varsity teams, coaches and parents, so it won't be the biggest crowd I've sung for but definitely the biggest arena. It should be fun. I've secretly always wanted to sing the anthem at a sporting event. This puts me one step closer to a Super Bowl appearance. Hmmmm...I'd better start working on my wardrobe malfunction.

Anyway, if you're reading this and are around Friday night (that includes maybe one of you) then you should come hear me sing. This could be the platform from which my long awaited career is launched. No I'm serious. Maybe there will be an agent among the 60. Hey! It could happen!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Two Hundred

Well, we've reached 200. I just love that. I like watching those numbers get higher and higher. In fact, I've begun to measure my self worth on how quickly the number at the bottom of my blog starts to grow.

Well, I don't have any real news to report right now. I went to church this morning. Back to work tomorrow. I'm trying to start planning what I'm gonna do this summer. I just gotta get outta here. I need to DO something.

Ok. Well... I'll keep you posted on that. Be good everybody!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Some of My Famous Friends

Hey, y'all. I've added a new album to the Photo Albums page. It's my celebrities album. Pictures I've taken of celebs by themselves and pictures of me with celebrities. It should be more fun to look at than just a bunch of pictures of me. I assure you all the pictures are real, and all the famous people are my best friends... Ok, well, all the pictures are real anyway.