Monday, September 05, 2005

Left You Hanging

Holy cow! Life happens so fast, I guess. Sorry to leave you all hanging.

So I've been back from camp for a couple of weeks now. What can I say? My sister has gotten married during that time and I've started a new job.

The wedding was beautiful and a lot of fun. It's always good having so many good friends and family all in one place. It doesn't happen enough, right?

The job has been interesting. I'm working at a Residential Treatment Center with "emotionally disturbed" boys. I love this kind of work. I find it very challenging and very rewarding. Heart-breaking, too. But it always helps keep my own life and problems in perspective, and perspective is a beautiful thing.

So anyway, that is the long and the short of it. I hope to volunteer over the next few weeks at one of the Emergency Shelters here that have been set up to help the hurricane refugees. It is so sad seeing all the broken people who have lost everything. Well I'll fill you in on how that goes.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ur the best