Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Almost Ready to Go!

So I finally applied for my passport. After almost 29 years here in these United States of America, I will soon be able to actually leave the country. Of course just about everyone I know has been off this domestic plane except me, so I guess it is about time. I'm a late bloomer. So what. Anyway, I should be getting the coveted little ticket to adventure within the next few weeks or something.

But where should I go? I was thinking of a nice sunny south american vacation and one of those intensive language schools. Or I have people to visit Europe and just about everyone can speak English over there. Then there is always my cousin in Africa or my friends in Australia/New Zealand. Or Darby in China. Hmm. I guess I'll just stay home and watch TV.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'm a Clogger

I've recently begun taking clogging lessons. So far I've been to four lessons. I think I'm really good at it but I'm not sure. I've ordered clogging shoes, but they haven't gotten here, yet. They should get here sometime next week. I can't wait. You should learn to clog, too. It is F-U-N! I'll let you all know when I start performing.