Saturday, September 30, 2006

What's Going On

It is almost Australian Idol time again and I didn't tell you about last week. Singing Thelma Houston's "Don't Leave Me This Way", Lavina earned herself a spot in the top nine. I'll let you know what happens next.

In other news, I just finished my first six weeks as a 7th grade math teacher. That means I am now 1/6 of the way through the school year. 1/6 is greater than 1/10. 1/6 is equivalent to 6/36. Right now we are working on fractions in class, so I tend to think about the world in fractions. Sorry.

Besides class, I've been making the youth sports circuit. Middle School volleyball on Monday afternoon, Middle School football Thursday night, High School football Friday nights and Soccer on Saturday. That part has been fun. It gets me through the week.

I've also been singing in the community choir and it looks like I'm gonna be singing a duet in the Christmas Cantata at the Civic Center, so I better see all y'all there. The music is nice and this year we are actually tackling the "Hallelujah Chorus" and Mozart's "Regina Coeli" along with the Cantata, so it should be really nice. I'll give you all the details when it gets closer.

The rest of my time is spent grading papers, although I'm thinking about auditioning for the Community Theater's Christmas production, "Miracle on 34th Street". We'll see. I haven't really decided yet and the auditions aren't until tomorrow anyway.

Ok, then. Right now I need to do laundry, eat something and of course grade papers, so I better go. Until next time...

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Verdict

Monday is Verdict Day on Australian Idol. I'm happy to say that now my friend is in the top 10. Just in case anyone's keeping up. Ok. That's all.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

My Friend the Celebrity

Those of you who know me know that I am friends with TONS of celebrities. You also know that when it comes to celebrities, "friends" can mean I once saw them walking across the street in NY; and when it comes to friends, "celebrity" can mean they were an extra in a movie even if their entire scene got cut. Well I have a new celebrity friend, but I think this one could be my most legit, yet. About seven years ago, while working as a group leader at Camp AmeriKids, I got to work with this really cool chick from New Zealand named Lavina Williams. I remember her being very chill, so cool and one of the nicest people I've ever met. Even back then she was well known in NZ for singing in a popular girl group there. Since then she has moved to Australia and has spent the last few years performing in Sydney's incarnation of Disney's "The Lion King." Well, last year her sister got 2nd place on Australian Idol. This year, Lavina tried out and is currently in the Top 11 of Australian Idol. Thanks to YouTube and the internet, I've been able to find some clips of her singing on the show. Unfortunately I can't vote for her without making a very expensive phone call, but I thought that all of you needed to know that I have a famous celebrity friend in Australia. Here is a clip for you to enjoy!